PR Card Renewals

Application for a permanent resident renewal is expected to be done when the card’s expiration date is in 9 months or it has already expired. When you get a new one, its validity is for five years which is enough time to prepare for future renewal.

Who is Eligible for a PR Card Renewal?

To apply for a permanent resident card renewal, you must have been in Canada as a permanent resident before you will be considered eligible. You can apply for a PR card to replace a stolen, damaged, or lost card. Or you can get a new card to substitute the expired one.

Eligibility Criteria for a Permanent Resident Card:

Eligibility Criteria for a Permanent Resident Card

How to Apply for a PR Card Renewal

If your Canadian PR card has been stolen, lost, destroyed, or expired, you can get them replaced by doing the following.

The first step in applying for a PR card renewal is to file the IMM 5444 form. When you have done that, you should submit it alongside other specified documents. Then you will be requested to pay the processing fee.

Below are the documents you will require for your application.

Expired PR card

When you go to the IRCC for the new PR card, you need to take the old one as it is part of the application document.


You need a copy of your passport to be submitted to the office. Make sure the photocopy is clear to avoid denied application.


There are photo specifications you need to observe before submitting any copy. You can check the appendix for more information.

What Are the Key Steps in the PR Card Renewal Process?


Make sure you have all the information needed for your application


Download and fill the blank form seen on the IRCC


Pay the required filing fee to the Canadian government


Wait for the approval, and once you are accepted, your new PR card will be delivered to you